- 이름
- 임 우택
- 연구실
- 서캠퍼스 보건의료과학관 506호
- 전화번호
- 042-630-4624
- 팩스번호
- 042-630-4611
- 이메일
- wootaeklimpt@gmail.com
- University of Florida, Major: Rehabilitation Science; Minor: Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, PhD
- Yonsei University, Physical Therapy, BPT
Professional Experience, Employment and Positions Held
- Current, Vice President for Planning, Woosong University
(기획부총장, 우송대학교)
- Current, Vice President of International Academic Affairs, Korean Academy of Integrative Oncology Physical Therapy
(국제학술부회장, 대한통합암물리치료학회)
- Current, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Korean Academy of Osteopathic Physical Therapy
(학술부회장, 대한정골물리치료학회)
- Current, Advisory Member, Division of Regional Human Resource Development, Daejeon Technopark
(자문위원, 대전테크노파크 지역인재육성분과)
- Current, Advisory Member, ASEAN-Korea FIELD Project
(자문위원, 한아세안 FIELD 사업)
- Current, Editorial Board Member & Director of Academic Affairs, Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
(편집위원 & 학술이사, 한국전문물리치료학회)
- Current, Committee Member, Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute Committee on Foreign Physical Therapy Education and Accreditation
(위원, 한국보건의료인국가시험원 물리치료사 외국대학인정 심의위원회)
- Current, Committee Member, Korean Accreditation Board of Physical Therapy Education
(위원, 한국물리치료교육평가원)
- Current, Committee Member, Community-based Rehabilitation Council, Daejeon Junggu
(위원, 대전광역시 중구 지역사회재활협의체)
- Past, Chair, International Affairs Committee, Korean Physical Therapy Association
(국제위원장, 대한물리치료사협회)
- Past, Director of Education, Korean Council for Physical Therapy University Education
(교육이사, 대한물리치료대학교육협의회)
- Past, General Executive, Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy
(총무이사, 한국전문물리치료학회)
- Past, Special Interest Coordinator, International Physical Therapy for HIV/AIDS, Oncology, Hospice and Palliative Care, World Confederation for Physical Therapy
(대외협력책임자, 에이즈∙암∙호스피스∙완화 국제물리치료, 세계물리치료연맹)
- Past, Director of Academic Affairs, Daejeon Physical Therapy Association
(학술이사, 대한물리치료사협회 대전시회)
- Past, Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Florida, USA
(박사 후 연구원, 플로리다대학교)
Awards, Honors, and Accomplishments
- 2023 Proud to be a Woosonger Award, Anniversary Ceremony, Woosong Educational Foundation, 10/2023
(2023 자랑스러운 우송인상 - 연구부문, 개교기념일, 우송학원 이사장)
- 2022 Proud to be a Woosonger Award, Anniversary Ceremony, Woosong Educational Foundation, 10/2022
(2022 자랑스러운 우송인상 - 연구부문, 개교기념일, 우송학원 이사장)
- Outstanding Researcher Award, 2022 General Meeting, Korean Council for Physical Therapy University Education, 06/2022
(우수연구자상, 2022 정기총회, 대한물리치료대학교육협의회)
- Commendation, Persons of Distinguished Services to University Innovation Support Project, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, 12/2021
(표창장, 대학혁신지원사업 유공자, 부총리 겸 교육부장관)
- 2021 Proud to be a Woosonger Award, Anniversary Ceremony, Woosong Educational Foundation, 10/2021
(2021 자랑스러운 우송인상 - 연구부문, 개교기념일, 우송학원 이사장)
- Excellence Award, 9th Open Data Utilization Startup Competition, Chungcheongnam-do, 10/2021
(우수상, 제9회 공공데이터 활용 창업경진대회, 충청남도지사)
- Certificate of Appreciation, 15th Asian Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress, Macau Physical Therapists Association, 10/2020
(감사장, 15th 아시아물리치료연맹 총회, 마카우물리치료사협회)
- 2020 Proud to be a Woosonger Award, Anniversary Ceremony, Woosong Educational Foundation, 10/2020
(2020 자랑스러운 우송인상, 우송학원, 이사장)
- 2019 Proud to be a Woosonger Award, Anniversary Ceremony of Woosong Educational Foundation, 10/2019
(2019 자랑스러운 우송인상, 우송학원, 이사장)
- Commendation, Health Day, Minister of Health and Welfare, 03/2019
(표창장, 보건의 날, 보건복지부장관)
- Commendation, 2018 Men of Merit of Health Care, Mayor of Daejeon, 12/2018
(표창장, 2018 보건의료분야 유공자, 대전광역시장)
- Outstanding Poster Award, Annual Conference on Korean Research Society of Physical Therapy, 10/2018
(우수학술논문, 2018 추계학술대회, 한국전문물리치료학회)
- Commendation, International Integrative Medicine Expo, Jangheung, 12/2016
(표창장, 2016 장흥국제통합의학박람회, 장흥국제통합의학박람회조직위원장)
- 2016 Proud to be a Woosonger Award, Anniversary Ceremony of Woosong Educational Foundation 10/2016
(2016 자랑스러운 우송인상, 우송학원, 이사장)
- Outstanding Advisor Award, Invention Contest, Elenews, 07/2016
(지도교수상, 대한민국 녹색 성장 학생 생활 발명 대회, 전기공업신문)
- Best Paper Award, Korean Academy of Neural Rehabilitation, 06/2016
(우수논문상, 한국신경재활학회)
- Outstanding Research Award, Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, USA, 04/2012
(우수연구상, 공중보건&보건의료인연구의날, 플로리다대학교)
- Marilyn Gossman Graduate Student Research Seminar Award, 2012 Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, USA, 02/2012
(메럴린 고스맨 기념 대학원 연구 세미나 특별상, 2012 통합학술대회, 미국물리치료사협회)
- Alumni Graduate Fellowship, University of Florida, USA, 2009-2013
(동문 대학원 장학금, 플로리다대학교)
면허, 자격, 이수
Professional Licenses and Certifications
- A Basic Course in Integrative Oncology Physical Therapy, Korean Association of Integrative Oncology Physical Therapy, 11/2018
- Certified Kinesio Taping Technician Program in the Kinesio Taping Method, Kinesio University, 09/2018
- Integrative Oncology Specialist Course, Korean Society of Integrative Oncology, 09/2018
- An Advanced Course in Kinetic Ergocise based on Movement Analysis, Academy of KEMA, 08/2018
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Exercise Course Part 1, Rehabilitation Prague School, 01/2018
- A Basic Course in Dr. Vodder’s Manual Lymph Drainage, Dr. Vodder Academy International, 09/2017
- An Introduction Course in Kinetic Ergocise based on Movement Analysis, Academy of KEMA, 06/2017
- A Course in Patent Information Analysis, Korean Intellectual Property Office, 04/2017
- A Course in Intellectual Property, Korean Intellectual Property Office, 04/2017
- Clinical Anatomy for Orthopedic Manipulative, KAOMPT, 03/2017
- Professional LSVT BIG, LSVT Global, 10/2016
- Vicon Nexus, Polygon, and Body Builder, Vicon Motion Systems, 06/ 2015
- Physical Therapy License, the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea
- Kinesiology, DaehanNarae, 2019, ISBN 978-89-5741-693-8.
(임상운동학, 대한나래출판사, 2019)
- Functional Anatomy, Hyunmoon, 2019, ISBN 979-11-6423-058-7.
(기능해부학, 현문사, 2019)
- Physical Examination and Evaluation. PanMun Education, 2016, ISBN 979-11-5943-026-8.
(신체검사 및 평가, 범문에듀케이션, 2016)
Principal Investigator of Grants
- A Study on Objectives of the Evaluation of the National Physical Therapy Examination, Korea Health Personnel Licensing Examination Institute, 05/2019-12/2019, ₩35,000,000, Co-Investigator
- Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF-2017R1C1B5076885, 09/2017-08/2019, ₩60,000,000, Principal Investigator
Research Publications, peer reviewed
- Lim W. The Test-Induced Warm-up Effect on Hamstring Flexibility Tests. Hong Kong Physiother J. 2024 Dec;44(02):119–25.
- Lım W. Sex Difference in Absolute and Normalized Force at Four Different Isometric Contraction Intensities. Türk Fiz Ve Rehabil Derg. 2024 Apr 20;35(1):29–36.
- Lim W. Self-Rated Flexibility Significantly Reflects the Hip Flexibility, but Not the Ankle Flexibility. Isokinet Exerc Sci. 2024 Apr 19;32(2):171–7.
- Lim W. Joint Position Sense Error in the Hip and Knee Without Reference to the Joint Angle. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2024 Mar 14;37(2):513–9.
- Lim W. Effect of PNF Stretching Performed in the Ake Position on Hip, Knee, and Ankle Flexibility. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2024 Mar 14;37(2):389–94.
- Lim W. Sex Differences in Hamtring Flexibility Changes After Specific Warm-usp. Phys Ther Korea. 2023 Nov 20;30(4):275–80.
- Lee S, Lim W. A Needs Analysis of Educational Content for Overseas Job Applicants in the Digital Bio-health Industry. Phys Ther Korea. 2023 Aug 20;30(3):230–6.
- Lim W. The Influence of Passive Extensibility of the Posterior Oblique Sling’s Upper Portion on Contralateral Knee Extension. Physiother Q. 2023 Jun 1;31(2):53–8.
- Park S, Lim W. Comparison of Muscle Activity of Hamstrings as Knee Flexors and Hip Extensors and Effect of Tibial and Hip Rotation on the Contribution of Hamstrings. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2023 Apr 11;34:1–5.
- Lim W. Knee Extension Test for Assessing Hamstring Flexibility. J Korean Phys Ther Sci. 2023 Mar 30;30(1):31–40.
- Lim W. Perceived Exertion Responses to Exercise Differ for Progressively Increasing and Decreasing Order of Intensity: A Crossover Design Study. Ann Appl Sport Sci. 2023 Mar 20;11(1):1-8.
- Lee N, Ahn J, Lim W. Concurrent and Angle-Trajectory Validity and Intra-Trial Reliability of a Novel Multi-View Image-Based Motion Analysis System. J Hum Kinet. 2023 Jan 20;86:31–40
- Lim W. Effect of Novel Diagonal Stretching Combining Trunk Rotation and Trunk Flexion on Contralateral Knee Extension. Isokinet Exerc Sci. 2023 Jan 20;31(1):37–42.
- Lim W. Comparison of Contraction Intensity and Perceived Intensity Between Dominant and Non-Dominant Leg in Sedentary Adults. Physiother Q. 2023 Jan 5;31(1):13–8.
- Lim W. Acute Effect of Diagonal Stretching Using the Posterior Oblique Sling System on Contralateral Ankle Dorsiflexion. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2023 Jan 4;36(1):245–52.
- Lim W. Markerless Motion Capture System Based on Webcams Using OpenPose. Int J Hum Mov Sports Sci. 2022 Oct;10(5):900–5.
- Park S, Lim W. Activity of Posterior Oblique Sling Muscles during Quadruped Hip Extension with Different Shoulder Positions. Int J Hum Mov Sports Sci. 2022 Jun;10(3):574–80.
- Lim W. A Review of Motion Capture Systems: Focusing on Clinical Applications and Kinematic Variables. Phys Ther Korea. 2022 May 20;29(2):87–93.
- Lim W. Effects of Hip Rotation on the Electromyographic Activity of the Medial and Lateral Hamstrings and Muscle Force. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2021 Nov 3;34(6):1023–9.
- Oh D, Lim W. Influence of Submaximal Isometric Contractions of the Hamstrings on Electromyography Activity and Force While Functioning as Hip Extensors. Isokinet Exerc Sci. 2021 Jul 20;29(3):291–8.
- Lim W. Influence of Successive Active Knee Extension Tests on Hamstring Flexibility. J Korean Phys Ther Sci. 2021;28(1):76–84.
- Lim W. Difference in Pain Perception Depending on the Order of Submaximal Isometric Contractions performed at Different Intensities. Turk J Physiother Rehabil. 2021 Apr 10;32(1):74–80.
- Lim W. Tensile Force Transmission from the Upper Trunk to the Contralateral Lower Leg throughout the Posterior Oblique Sling System. Int J Hum Mov Sports Sci. 2021 Mar;9(2):294–300.
- Lim W. Clinical Application and Limitations of the Capsular Pattern. Phys Ther Korea. 2021 Feb 20;28(1):13–7.
- Lim W. Appropriateness of Tibial Rotation for Isolation of the Medial and Lateral Hamstrings. Ann Appl Sport Sci. 2020 Dec 10;8(4):1–8.
- Park S, Lim W. Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching at Low-Intensities with Standing Toe Touch on Developing and Maintaining Hamstring Flexibility. J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2020 Oct 1;24(4):561–7.
- Lim W. Effects of Progressive Increased Intensity of PNF Stretching on Hamstring Force and Flexibility. Int J Hum Mov Sports Sci. 2020 Oct;8(5):186–92.
- Choi J, Oh T, Oh JS, Lim W, Lee J, Han SK, Park YS, Kwon HG, Ahn CS. Importance and Utilization Frequency of Essential Competency of Korean Physical Therapists. J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2020 Sep 1;17:24.
- Park H, Lim W, Oh D. Effects of Upper-Extremity Movements on Electromyographic Activities of Selected Trunk Muscles During Leaning Forward. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2020 Jul 20;33(4):669–75.
- Lim W. Sex Differences in Repeatability of Measurement for Hamstring Strength During Maximal Voluntary Contractions. J Korean Phys Ther Sci. 2020 Jun 30;27(1):9–17.
- Cha Y, Yoo J, Park H, Lim W. Effects of Sling Exercise Program Involving Coordination and Functional Training on Cognition, Physical Performance, and Depression in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease Dementia: A Single-subject Experimental Design. Korean J Neuromuscul Rehabil. 2020 Apr;10(1):1–14.
- Lim W. The Effects of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation and Static Stretching Performed at Various Intensities on Hamstring Flexibility. Phys Ther Korea. 2020 Feb 20;27(1):30–7.
- Lim W. The Cytokine-Mediated Link Between Depression and Cachexia in Cancer Patients. J Korean Phys Ther Sci. 2019 Dec 30;26(3):44–56.
- Oh D, Lim W, Lee N. Concurrent Validity and Intra-Trial Reliability of a Bluetooth-Embedded Inertial Measurement Unit for Real-Time Joint Range of Motion. Int J Comput Sci Sport. 2019 Dec 16;18(3):1–11.
- Lim W. Changes in Pain Following the Different Intensity of the Stretching and Types of Physical Stress. Phys Ther Korea. 2019 Nov;26(4):63–9.
- Lim W. Easy Method for Measuring Stretching Intensities in Real Clinical Settings and Effects of Different Stretching Intensities on Flexibility. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2019 Jul 23;32(4):579–85.
- Lim W. Sex Differences in Pain Caused by Stretching and Decrease in Pain Over Time. Korean J Stress Res. 2019 Jun;27(2):146–51.
- Kim K, Choi B, Lim W. The Efficacy of Virtual Reality Assisted Versus Traditional Rehabilitation Intervention on Individuals with Functional Ankle Instability: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Disabil Rehabil Assist Technol. 2019 Apr;14(3):276–80.
- Park S, Lim W, Moon S. The Effects of a Neck Exercise using a PNF Neck Pattern on the Balance and Numbness of Both the Upper Extremities and Neck Motions in Patients with Cervical Myelopathy-Single Subject Design. PNF Mov. 2018 Dec;16(3):333–43.
- Lim W. Influence of Tibial Rotation on Emg Activities of Medial and Lateral Hamstrings During Maximal Isometric Knee Flexion. Phys Ther Korea. 2018 Nov;25(4):46–52.
- Lim W. Optimal Intensity of PNF Stretching: Maintaining the Efficacy of Stretching While Ensuring Its Safety. J Phys Ther Sci. 2018 Aug;30(8):1108–11.
- Lim W, Park H. No Significant Correlation Between the Intensity of Static Stretching and Subject’s Perception of Pain. J Phys Ther Sci. 2017 Oct;29(10):1856–9.
- Lim W, Choi B. Current Therapeutic Approaches in Spinal Cord Injury: Pharmacological, Rehabilitation, Cell-Based, and Psychological Intervention. Korean J Stress Res. 2017 Mar 31;25(1):1–7.
- Lim W. The Effect of Different Intensities of Static Stretching, as Measured by Hand-Held Dynamometer, and the Relationship with Perceived Amount of Pain. Korean J Stress Res. 2016 Dec 31;24(4):264–8.
- Lim W. The Relationship Between Hip Extension Force Measured by Using a Hand-Held Dynamometer and the Effect of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation Stretching on Hamstring Flexibility. Korean J Stress Res. 2016 Dec 31;24(4):252–6.
- Choi B, Lim W. Number of Steps and Time to Accomplish Turning During Timed up and Go Test in Community-Dwelling Elderlies with and Without Idiopathic Parkinson Disease. Phys Ther Korea. 2016 Feb;23(4):47–54.
- Lim W. Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Biomarker for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Phys Ther Korea. 2015 Sep;22(3):98–105.
- Lim W. Muscular Adaptations and Novel Magnetic Resonance Characterizations of Spinal Cord Injury. Phys Ther Korea. 2015 May;22(2):70–80.
- Yarrow JF, Ye F, Balaez A, Mantione JM, Otzel DM, Chen C, Beggs LA, Baligand C, Keener JE, Lim W, Vohra RS, Batra A, Borst SE, Bose PK, Thompson FJ, Vandenborne K. Bone Loss in a New Rodent Model Combining Spinal Cord Injury and Cast Immobilization. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2014 Sep;14(3):255–66.
- Ye F, Baligand C, Keener JE, Vohra R, Lim W, Ruhella A, Bose P, Daniels M, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Hindlimb Muscle Morphology and Function in a New Atrophy Model Combining Spinal Cord Injury and Cast Immobilization. J Neurotrauma. 2013 Feb 1;30(3):227–35.
- Yoon J, Lim W, Oh J. Influence of the Strap-Length on the Trunk Motion and Gait Symmetry in Korean Women Carrying a Single-Strap Bag. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2012 Nov;25(4):269–74.
- Park S, Lim W, Kim Y, Lee S, Yi C. The Relationship Between Addiction to Online Games and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in College Students. Phys Ther Korea. 2009 Feb 19;16(1):61–9.
Research Publications, non-peer reviewed
- Lim W, Lee N, Choi B. Disuse Atrophy of Skeletal Muscle: From Bench to Bedside. KANR, 2016;6(1):50-55.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. Structural Integrity Changes Following Severe Contusion Injury. NHMFL, 2013 Research Report, 427.
- Baligand C, Lim W, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Asymmetry in Spinal Cord DTI Metrics Correlates with the Loss of Hindlimb Muscle Mass in a Rat Model of Severe Contusion SCI. NHMFL, 2012 Research Report, 264.
- Baligand C, Walter GA, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Vohra RS, Ye F, Lim W, Ruhella A, Vandenborne K. Morphological Characterization of a New Model of Spinal Cord Injury without Reloading Using 3D 1H MRI. NHMFL, 2011 Research Report, 335.
- Baligand C, Lim W, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. MRI and DTI Characterization of Severe Contusion Injury at 17.6T. NHMFL, 2011 Research Report, 333.
- Baligand C, Walter GA, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Vohra RS, Ye F, Forbes SC, Lim W, Shah PK, Vandenborne K. Morphological and Metabolic Characterization of a New Model of Spinal Cord Injury Without Reloading Using 1H MRI and 31P NMR Spectroscopy. NHMFL, 2010 Research Report, 241.
Published Abstracts
- Oh D, Lim W, Kim Y, Kim C, Yang D. Electromyographic Activity of the Hamstring Muscles During Voluntary Isometric Contraction Performed at Different Intensities: Spo85. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 2019 Jan;49(1):CSM188–CSM189.
- Balaez A, Ye F, Baligand C, Borst SE, Keener JE, Lim W, Vohra RS, Bose P, Vandenborne K, Yarrow JF. Cancellous Bone Loss in a New Atrophy Model Combining Spinal Cord Injury and Cast Immobilization. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2014;46(5):S37.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Ruhella A, Vohra RS, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, and Vandenborne K. White matter integrity after severe contusion spinal cord injury under different levels of activity. J Neurotrauma, 2013;30(15):A116.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, and Vandenborne K. MRI and DTI characterization of spinal cord severe contusion injury in the rat. FASEB J, 2012;26:920.9.
- Baligand C, Ye F, Keener JE, Vohra R, Lim W, Ruhella A, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, and Vandenborne K. A New Rat Model of Spinal Cord Injury Without Muscle Reloading: Morphological and Functional Assessment by MR Imaging and 31P Spectroscopy. J Neurotrauma, 2011;28(6):A31-A31.
- Vohra RS, Baligand C, Ye F, Lim W, Keener JE, Walter GA, Bose P, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Non-invasive Measurement of Hindlimb Muscle Cross Sectional Area in a New Rodent Model of Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury. FASEB J, 2011;25:1105.17.
- Kim YC, Oh DS, Park HJ, Lee TS, Yang DL, Lee JS, Lim WT. Acute Effects of Submaximal Isometric Contraction on Hamstring Muscles. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2019.
- Choi BS, Lim WT, Oh DS, Shim JK, Bang SH. Establishing Construct Validity of the Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) Measures of Various Cancer Survivors with Korean Versions of the EQ-5D versus the WHOQOL-BREF. World Confederation for Physical Therapy Congress 2019, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2019.
- Oh DS, Lim WT, Ahn JH, Kim YC, Kim CG, Yang DL, Kim KS, Park HJ. Electromyographic activity of the hamstring muscles during voluntary isometric contraction performed at different intensities. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Washington, DC, USA, Jan 2019.
- Ahn SE, Lee SY, Song CY, Choi SH, Lim WT, Lee NG. Validity and Test-retest Reliability of a Portable Three-axis Inclinometer. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, TX, USA, Feb 2017.
- Kim MJ, Choi IH, Jo WY, Choi BS, Lim WT. Influence of Rounded-Shoulder and Forward Head Posture on Scapulohumeral Rhythm. International Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists, Jeju, Republic of Korea, May 2016.
- Kim YR, Ahn SE, Yang HJ, Bae YM, Lee G, Lee NG, Lim WT. Longitudinal Measurement of Cervical Tri-Planar with a Smart phone: desktop vs mobile device. International Congress of Shoulder and Elbow Therapists, Jeju, Republic of Korea, May 2016.
- Yarrow JF, Ye F, Balaez A, Mantione JM, Otzel DM, Chen C, Beggs LA, Baligand C, Keener JE, Lim W, Vohra RS, Abhinandan Batra, Borst SE, Bose P, Vandenborne K. Bone Loss in a New Rodent Model Combining Spinal Cord Injury and Cast Immobilization. American Society of Bone and Mineral Research, Houston, TX, USA, Sep 2014.
- Balaez A, Ye F, Baligand C, Borst SE, Keener JE, Lim W, Vohra RS, Bose P, Vandenborne K, Yarrow JF. Cancellous Bone Loss in a New Atrophy Model Combining Spinal Cord Injury and Cast Immobilization. American College of Sports Medicine Meeting, USA, May 2014.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. The Effect of Treadmill Training on Muscle Properties in a New Model of Spinal Cord Injury. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Apr 2014.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. The Effect of Training on Muscle following Severe Spinal Cord Injury with Cast Immobilization. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2014.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. The Changes of Muscle Morphology after Locomotor Training in a New Model of Spinal Cord Injury. Advances in skeletal muscle biology in health & disease, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2014.
- Ruhella A, Baligand C, Ye F, Lim W, Vohra RS, Keener JE, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Skeletal muscle size and force after treadmill training in a severe contusion spinal cord injury rat model. National Neurotrauma Symposium, Nashville, TN, USA, Aug 2013.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Ruhella A, Vohra RS, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. White matter integrity after severe contusion spinal cord injury under different levels of activity. National Neurotrauma Symposium, Nashville, TN, USA, Aug 2013.
- Ruhella A, Baligand C, Ye F, Lim W, Vohra RS, Keener JE, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Muscle Response to Treadmill And Bicycle Training After Spinal Cord Injury. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Apr 2013.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. Spinal Cord Changes after Treadmill Training in a Rat Model of Severe Contusion Injury. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Apr 2013.
- Ruhella A, Baligand C, Ye F, Lim W, Vohra RS, Keener JE, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Effect of Treadmill and Bicycle Training on muscle size after severe contusion spinal cord injury in a rat. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2013.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. Assessment of Spinal Cord Structural Integrity by Diffusion Tensor Imaging Following Severe Contusion SCI. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2013.
- Ruhella A, Ye F, Baligand C, Vohra RS, Lim W, Keener JE, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. Changes in muscle fiber size and fiber type distribution after severe spinal cord injury in rat. Graduate Student Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Oct 2012.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. Morphological and structural changes in rat spinal cord after severe contusion injury. Graduate Student Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Oct 2012.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. MRI and DTI Characterization of spinal cord severe contusion injury in the rat. Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA, USA, Apr 2012.
- Ruhella A, Baligand C, Lim W, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Characterization of a severe contusion spinal cord injury model using MRI. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Apr 2012.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. MR characterization of the spinal cord in a severe contusion injury rat model. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Apr 2012.
- Ruhella A, Baligand C, Lim W, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Characterization of a severe contusion spinal cord injury model using MRI. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2012.
- Ye F, Baligand C, Vohra R, Lim W, Ruhella A, Keener JE, Deol J, Senesac E, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Reponses to treadmill training following severe spinal cord injury in a rat model. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2012.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Ye F, Keener JE, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Atrophy and asymmetry in a new spinal cord injury rat model. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2012.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Keener JE, Ye F, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. MRI and DTI characterization of spinal cord severe contusion injury in the rat. Advances in skeletal muscle biology in health & disease, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Feb 2012.
- Baligand C, R. S. Vohra, Ye F, Keener JE, Lim W, Forbe SC, Shah PK, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Morphological and metabolic characterization of a new model of spinal cord injury without reloading using 1H MRI and 31P NMR spectroscopy. The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 2011.
- Vohra RS, Baligand C, Ye F, Lim W, Keener JE, Walter GA, Bose P, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Non-invasive measurement of hindlimb muscle cross sectional area in a new rodent model of incomplete spinal cord injury. Experimental Biology, Washington, DC, USA, Apr 2011.
- Baligand C, Vohra RS, Ye F, Keener JE, Lim W, Forbes SC, Shah PK, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Comparison of Different Models of Muscle Disuse By MRI. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2011.
- Lim W, Elisa J. Gonzalez-Rothi EJ, Baligand C, Ye F, Vohra RS, Keener JE, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Relationship Between Asymmetry in Locomotion and Muscle Atrophy in Severe SCI. Public Health & Health Professions Research Day, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2011.
- Ruhella A, Baligand C, Lim W, Keener JE, Ye F, Bose P, Thompson F, Walter GA, Vandenborne K. In vitro characterization of rat spinal cord lesion using high field magnetic resonance imaging. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2011.
- Baligand C, Ye F, Keener JE, Lim W, Vohra RS, Ruhella A, Bose P, Walter GA, Thomson F, Vandenborne K. Morphological and functional changes in skeletal muscle in different models of disuse using MRI and 31P spectroscopy. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2011.
- Lim W, Baligand C, Daniels MJ, Keener JE, Ruhella A, Ye F, Vohra RS, Gonzalez-Rothi EJ, Bose P, Walter GA, Thompson F, Vandenborne K. Relationship between asymmetry in locomotor function and muscle atrophy following severe spinal cord injury (SCI) in the rat. Neuromuscular Plasticity Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, Mar 2011.